A Brief History of Protestantism in the United States

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Written by Robert Jones Acworth, Georgia

 Copyright 2008 Robert C. Jones


This material may be reprinted free of charge for use by non-profit church groups, as long as the author and copyright information is retained. 

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Robert Jones
POB 1775
Kennesaw, GA 30156

Special sale:  Order the 10-pack below, and receive the Teacher's packs for "A Brief History of Protestantism in the United States" and "Origins of the Major Protestant Denominations in the United States" for free

Ordering the accompanying book

1/22/2010:  "A Brief History of Protestantism in the United States" has been published. It contains the contents of both "A Brief History of Protestantism in the United States" and "Origins of the Major Protestant Denominations in the United States".  (102 pages).   It is available now on Amazon.

To order in bulk (packs of ten books - $99.95), click below:

To see a video extract from this course, presented by the author:

Other videos:

Impact of the Scopes Monkey Trial on Protestantism (03/08/2008; Length: 9:45)

Defining "Evangelical" (01/18/2009; Length: 8:02)

History of Protestantism in the U.S: 1900-1950 Timeline (03/01/2009; Length: 8:59)

History of Protestantism in the U.S: 1950-2000 Timeline (03/01/2009; Length: 6:28)

History of Protestantism in the U.S.: "Rise of Pentecostalism" (03/01/2009; Length: 6:32)

To purchase a DVD for $15.00 that contains these 5 video extracts:

Keywords found in www.sundayschoolcourses.com/usprotestants/usprotestants.pdf:

18th Amendment to the Constitution
A Faithful Narrative of yhe Surprising Work Of God
Abraham Lincoln
Aimee Semple Mcpherson
Azusa Street Revival
Barton Stone
Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Billy Graham
Billy Sunday
Born Again
Cane Ridge
Carl Mcintire
Carrie A. Nation
Charles Finney
Charles Fox Parham
Charles Wesley
Circuit Riding Preacher
Civil War
Clarence Darrow
Common Sense
Declaration Of Independence
Francis Asbury
George Mcclellan
George Whitefield
Great Awakening
Great Revival
Greater Los Angeles Revival
Harold John Ockenga
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Holiness Movement,
Jerks, The
Jesse Jackson
Jim Bakker
Jimmy Carter
John Bell Hood
John Brown
John Wesley
Jonathan Edwards
Julia Ward Howe
Leonidas Polk
Mainline Denominations
Martin Luther King
New Evangelicals
“New School” Presbyterian
New York Crusade
Non-Denominational Church
Pat Robertson
Patrick Henry
Ralph Reed
Ronald Reagan
Robert E. Lee
Scopes Monkey Trial
Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God
Social Gospel
Stonewall Jackson
Temperance Movement
Thomas Paine
United States Christian Commission
Volstad Act
William J. Seymour
William Jennings Bryan
William Lloyd Garrison
William Penn
William Randolph Hearst
Youth For Christ International

Christian History & Theology Courses
A Brief History of the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
A Brief History of Christian Baptism
A Brief History of the Inquisition
A Brief History of Protestantism in the United States
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Acts of the Apostles: Background and Commentary
Angels: In the Bible, the Apocrypha & the Dead Sea Scrolls
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Basic Christian Theology
Crusades: A Brief History (1095-1291), The
Dead Sea Scrolls and Christianity, The
Evidence for the Gospel Accounts of Jesus Christ
Heaven: In the Bible, the Apocrypha and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Hell and the Devil: In the Bible, the Apocrypha and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Heresies & Schisms in the Early Church
Holy Spirit: In the Bible, the Apocrypha and the Dead Sea Scrolls, The
Jewish Religious Parties at the Time of Christ Part One: Pharisees and Sadducees
Jewish Religious Parties at the Time of Christ Part Two: The Essenes
Joseph of Arimathea: Biblical & Legendary Sources
Meet the Apostles - Biblical and Legendary Accounts: Part One – The Twelve
Meet the Apostles - Biblical and Legendary Accounts: Part Two – After the Twelve
Messiah – In the Old Testament, the Apocrypha, and the Dead Sea Scrolls, The
Origins of the Major Protestant Denominations in the United States
Origins of the New Testament
Revelation: Background & Commentary
“Romans” and the Reformation
Top 25 Events in the History of the Christian Church, The   Coming soon!
Search for the Pre-Incarnate Christ in the Old Testament, The
Theological Roots of the Protestant Reformation: A Handbook
Women as Leaders in the Church: From Miriam to Joan of Arc
Worship and Cultural Patterns in the Early Church